About Swamiji

About Swamiji

Swami Paramarthanandaji - (Our direct Guruji)

Swami Paramarthanandaji is a Srotriya Brahma Nishta Guru. Swamiji has studied Advaita Vedanta for 3 years in Sandeepani Ashram under the tutelage of Swami Dayananda Saraswatiji and Swami Chinmayanandaji. Ever since then, for four decades Swami Paramarthanandaji has been teaching Advaita Vedanta in English in Chennai, with untiring dedication and enthusiasm. His teaching is in classroom style. His style is simple, clear, lucid, concept based, with apt illustrations which gives us doubtless knowledge. He won laurels from Acharyas around the globe. 

Swamiji has been teaching Prakarana Granthas, Upanishads - Mulam, Bhashyam and Anubhuti Prakasika, Brahma Sutras, Bhagavadgeeta - Mulam and Bhashyam. All his lectures are recorded and are available in his Trust titled Yogamalika. It is a vast treasure.