About Sri Kasturi Veera Raghava Rao garu, Smt. Madduri Rajyasri garu, Sri Mulpuri Vishnu Prasad garu
मूकं करोति वाचालं पङ्गुं लङ्घायते गिरिम् यत्कृपा तमहं वन्दे परमानन्दमाधव
mūkaṃ karoti vācālaṃ paṅguṃ laṅghāyate girim yatkṛpā tamahaṃ vande paramānandamādhavam
Muukam Karoti Vaacaalam This is more than true in our case. We never dreamt in our life that we would be teaching Advaita Vedanta or that we would bring forth 20 books on Prastana Trayam and allied texts, proclaim our Gurus.
Sri Kasturi Raghava Rao Garu, being born in a pious family was exposed to Bhagavadgeeta at a very tender age. With him, grew his love for Hindu religion and philosophy. He has listened to many Upanishads in Chinmaya Mission and heard Bhagavadgeeta taught by many eminent Acharyas. He was drawn towards Pujya Swami DayAnand Saraswatiji and attended many Vedanta Retreats conducted by Swamiji and also listened to many of his audios.

Sri Kasturi Veera Raghava Rao Garu
He is soft spoken and is an embodiment of the virtues of a Jnani. As he imbibed formulae to the mathematics students, he imbibes Vedantic concepts to the Vedanta students. He touches the minds of the students, by showing them they are not the mind and body so ragadweshas do not belong to them.

Smt. Madduri Rajya Sri Garu
She is a voracious reader and has a logical bent of mind. As she taught English poetry she teaches Sanskrit Mantras in an elaborate way adding many quotations and jokes. She touches the intellect of the students, teaching the mind- boggling arguments of Purva Pakshi and Siddanthi.

Sri Mulpuri Vishnu Prasad Garu
He is a staunch devotee of Lord Krishna and his very life is full of miracles. As he applied Chemistry to day-to-day life to his students, he instills anustanam of Vedanta to present students. How much you learn is not important, how much you practice is important is his slogan. He touches the hearts of the students with his jovial and hearty way of teaching.

About Ramamani Amma garu
Smt. Akunuri Ramamani garu
Smt. Ramamani garu was the third child of Sri Madireddy Janardhan Rao Naidu garu and Smt. Jaggamma garu. She got married to Akunuri Rammohan Rao garu.
Smt. Akunuri Ramamani garu was influenced by her parental spiritual life which laid road to her spiritual journey. She attended Swami Chinmayanandaji’s lectures at the age of 35. She learnt Sastra and Vedanta from Swamy Swarupananda Saraswathiji. She, along with her husband, did 3 years Vedanta Course and completed successfully.
She was given Manthra Deeksha by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswathiji. She invited Dayananda Saraswathiji to her house for Biksha, whenever he visited Hyderabad. She conducted Sadhana camps in her house with Swamy Swarupananda Saraswathiji. She invited Swami Sampoornanada Giriji from Yerpedu, to her house and he taught Maandukyopanishad to her students for one week. Swamy Prajnaranyaji, Sri Samaveda Shanmukha Sarma garu, Swamy Paripurnanandaji visited her house.
She started ‘Daya Satsang, a spiritual group in her house itself. She utilised her spiritual knowledge fully by teaching it to more than 150 students of all age groups. She taught Bhagavadgita, Upanishads and other Prakarana Grandhas to her students till her least breath. She gave her students a simple Mantra, which is ‘Accept and Accommodate’. Her students say that this Mantra brought so much change in their lives. Her teachings made them realise the purpose of life.
She wrote two volumes of Daya Swaroopa Gitamani - an analysis of Bhagavadgita. She lived upto her spiritual knowledge and teachings. She was a Jeevan Muktha and attained Videha Mukthi on 8th February 2014.